Nothing good ever comes of violence.
Martin Luther

Peace if possible, truth at all costs.
Martin Luther

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rick Santorum's Anal Sex Problem | Mother Jones

Rick Santorum's Anal Sex Problem | Mother Jones - Check out this great article at Mother Jones! I think it's pretty funny....way to go Dan Savage! Check out the website he made -

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gun violence

“It's everywhere. Guns and violence are in every nook and cranny of America. Many children can get a gun quicker than they can get a book out of the library. That puts us all at risk.”

 Marian Wright Edelman

Guns are everywhere and they do kill people. Ultimately there is a human being behind that trigger responsible for whatever consequence ensues....but how much less damage could that deranged person do WITHOUT a gun? Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for removing all guns. It's too late for that....but there needs to be stricter laws regarding gun sales, and punishments for any form of gun violence.

Now, we take into consideration the politicians and other media icons who fan the flames of violence and do pretty much everything but directly advocating violence against those with whom they have conflicting viewpoints. Can this be right? Moral? Just? Take Sarah Palin for instance, who used this image that displays Democrats in Republican won districts that voted for the health care bill in the cross hairs of a gun site (including AZ Representative Gabrielle Giffords). What kind of example does this set for the person that follows Sarah Palin who may have some tendancies towards violence? Or twitter posts from Palin like this one: "Commonsense Conservatives & lovers of America: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!" Pls see my Facebook page" 

Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

My thoughts and prayers are with Arizona representative Gabrielle Giffords and her family, as well as all of the other innocent people who were shot today in Arizona.